Look at the sky like a wholehearted moment. Allow the evening to begin with a poem, one a heart will recite to you. Listen to sea washing over shores: just so out of the outlines of the night purely arises a warm voice. In its enchanting husky tones find the resonant inflection that makes you smile to sleep. And allow these sounds to emanate from the evening sky reflecting your waves within. Allow them to rise from far inside yourself, where some powerful consciousness mediates the earthy decades passing away with the deepest heartbeat guiding ahead.
Above you, a full sphere of being. Below you, a sOul so swollen it moves inside out. How can we move through so much impetus of emotive waves gushing like powerful waterfalls? Eons are taken by change behind itself, and all related to growth is revealed in heart-centred reality. Meanwhile, a third ribbon of water carries you on instinctively and painted on the sky as on silk, it creates a safe space for the infiniteness you hear in your sOul.
In the peaking moments of this symphony, a minor progression, a warm feminine vOice rises purely out with compassion and comforting space, through the vastness of doorway between realities, showing buoyancy to carry you, while lOve allows you to fully feel, to be openly expressed, and in flow with the heartbeat, to be authentic and yourself and real.
I say goodnight to the moon with John O’Donoghue’s words:
“Some nights, stay up till dawn.
As the moon sometimes does for the sun.
Be a full bucket pulling up the dark,
away of the well,
and then lifted out into light.
Something opens our wings.
Something makes boredom and hurt disappear.
Someone fills the cup in front of us.
We taste only sacredness.”
Kamila Ami Lizis Astrology, 17th September at 23:08.
Full Moon (lunar eclipse) conjoined Neptune in Mutable Water, Pisces, in quincunx to Evening Star Venus conjoined Spica in Cardinal Air, Libra. Art: by Aykut Aydogdu