“To love at all is to be vulnerable.” C.S. Lewis
The house is expected to be silent by night, but you hear a root note pounding on your chest. Like your divine Muse, your starlit inspiration, her sound breaks any barriers. And as she opens her healing arms to you, it propels you to keep creatively growing. It comes soothing into the sOul, and touching your essence deeper than before, instinctively in flow illuminating the parts of you no one has ever seen, remembering your light that cannot be dimmed, and from beyond you she brings you a safe feeling, an opening to her balm as she kisses your crown. And you come as you are in this healing space, you come alive, you feel alive.
Deeper love is an intimate ally that hears and holds you, that loosens the thorns blocking your flow and infuses you right there with joy. Deeper love does not expect. And in vulnerable moments deeper love allows you to feel what moves through you.
Deeper love resonates naturally like heart-light, it waits for you like a bright star when you walk or sleepwalk in the night, singing your song to you… beckoning a way for you to your heart-home. In deeper love’s presence, it seems so clear that a bridge opens to a healing prism that envelops you and makes you feel safely held and comfortable to speak from an open heart.
Written by Kamila Ami Lizis 💜 15th September at 21:55 IST
Inspired by Cardinal Air Evening Star in applying opposition to Cardinal Fire Chiron. Art unknown.