
Kamila is a Consulting Astrologer based in Co. Wicklow in Ireland. She practices and live a deeply immersive psycho-spiritual Western astrology and often uses sound, music and embodiment in her practice. She holds a Masters degree in Philosophy and Literary/Art Translations from Trinity College Dublin, and a postgraduate degree specialising in sound within the science-fiction genre. She is a performing musician for 20 years.

Trained and mentored in the Blue Rose School of Astrology in Ireland, she has been encouraged to develop a unique mantic approach to astrology which has opened up her consciousness to an abundance of immersive practices and advanced astrological techniques.

She publishes regularly on social media channels and her website taking a creative poetic angle on the mundane astrology focused mostly on the cycles of Venus, Ceres and the Fixed Stars. She has also been published in the Astrological Journal and on Astro.com

In her client practice she focuses on deeply transformational dynamics and strives to support people to live consciously whilst exploring their true creative potential at the same time. She also offers healing sound and energy sessions and Venus heart-light online circles.

"For me Astrology is a way of life. I chose to help others consciously tune in with the ‘reality’ surrounding us without and the multi-verses within, to move with the spiraling waves of life’s rivers, and to discover the immense skies and the mystery of our resonances."

Kamila is an Editor of TimeLords Astrology Magazine published by C*I*A - an international network of Astrologers on a mission – igniting, teaching, connecting, advancing and promoting the living consciousness that is Astrology in all its applications.

She facilitates monthly Venus Heart-Light circles teaching astrology of each Venus ingress merged with an astro sound journey and Egyptian temple healing activation.

Kamila offers consultations internationally online and at times in-person.  If you feel drawn to book a session, get in touch by email: liziskamila@gmail.com or mobile: +353 85 116 4366 to check for availabilities

In Astrology and Sound



Events and Webinar

C*I*A WEBINAR: An alternative look at ALGOL through Kurt Cobain's lyrics and music
27th October 2024 @ 9.00 AM GMT, 8.00 PM AEDT

Can you hear Algol's life force rising? Shamed and demonised fixed star Algol is truly a blessing in disguise. Associated with the myth of Medusa, the beauty betrayed by a jealous sisterhood, and turned by the patriarchy/toxic masculine into a Medusa ‘monster’, in truth She is a ferocious snake that hisses up towards the 7th heaven.
In this C*I*A webinar explore Algol’s tone with me through the life and music of Kurt Cobain in a striking transmission of this phenomenally creative star consciousness.
The time is now to take an alternative look at Algol and open to her inspirational and healing power rising above the themes of abuse, manipulation, envy, and betrayal with profound life force, the ultimate caring energy, primordial creative power, and the root note to all – lOve.
Join me to explore creatively this ineffable star energy through music and astrology.
OCTOBER 27th – 9am GMT, 8pm AEDT
Link to book via C*I*A official website

Booking link: https://cosmicintelligenceagency.com/shop/all-products/webinars/algol-fixed-star/



Astrology, Astro Sound Journey, Healing Activation

17th October 2024 @ 7.00 PM GMT

Venus enters Mutable Fire, Sagittarius - Heart Knows What Fires Up the Soul and Imagination...
Love is at the barycentre of our shifting 'reality'. More than ever, right here, right now, the heart-focused vision hungers to be shared in deep connections and a special longing seeks to rise our vibration. Big, dynamic energies! Amidst profound changes - a knowing - like a crystalline prophetic beam illuminates the way - a knowing that True heart-fulfilling 'Reality' is non-material because abundance comes from a sacred meaningful co-creative exchange.
What do Sagittarius consciousness and Astrology of the coming weeks mean?
- Astrology guidance includes a Venus PDF report for the Sagittarius Venus timeframe.
- Astro Sound journey composed to reflect Venus energies on her Mutable Fire ingress and offer grounding.
- Heart and Crown chakras activation with Temple Healing Star Waves
No previous experience of astrology or sound healing is necessary.
EMAIL TO JOIN: liziskamila@gmail.com
Exchange (per person): €30

Astrology Blog

Writing and art inspired by astrology and music. You will find these offerings in sympathetic resonance with the tone of the skies. Thank you for reading.

Venus Whisper: Deep love is a creative force that binds the galaxy together

Picture the night as a sea, and the sky as waters of […]

Venus Whisper: May it be today the sound of the heartbeat on your lips

May it be today the sound of the heartbeat on your lips. […]

Venus Whisper: May you find some comfort here. Love can transcend the limits of the world

May you find some comfort here. Love can transcend the limits of […]

Venus Whisper: A graceful spin of intervals under the skin

Heart ~ a love pulsar ~ a graceful spinner that makes silent […]

Lunar Poetry: Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Neptune, Venus and Spica

Look at the sky like a wholehearted moment. Allow the evening to […]

Venus Whisper: Venus and Chiron: On deeper love’s gentle arms

  “To love at all is to be vulnerable.” C.S. Lewis Above […]